Economic Empowerment
Your Voice:
What additional actions, if any, should the Legislature take to recover Florida’s jobs, small businesses, and the state’s economy impacted by the COVID-19 virus? Please explain your position.
Our Reply:
As a society, we have witnessed changes as we moved from handcraft and agriculturally dominated culture to the industrial era then into the technological years. Each change came with it the uncertainty of how to recover job losses. COVID-19 forced the shift from business-office to home-office. Florida's education sector’s shift to distance learning earned national recognition as the model to emulate. The central Florida area moves from a heavy citrus industry to its current state of an education and tourism mecca. Our campaign supports legislation which:
Provides grants, through the partnerships of the Small Business Association and Local Chambers of Commerce, for small businesses to redevelop their business plans and assist individuals (the unemployed and those who need an extra level of support to become a business owner) with developing business plans for the new normal.
Tourism promotion of the little known, best kept secrets attractions to provide for a fuller balance of central Florida’s sunshine utilizing social distancing. Low parks capacity would encourage a family to plan a week’s vacation with maybe a day or two at Disney (to allow more families the Disney experience with little people) and three or four days at our other treasure chest sites.